The Purple Vanda Orchid
I never know what kind of orchid I grow until it blooms and I want to write about it in this gardening blog.

So after searching and reading through a few orchid websites, I am pretty sure that what I have here is a Vanda.

Taken from
“The genus Vanda contains many species represented by large handsome plants and a wide variety of beauty in the flowers.
By some growers considered difficult to cultivate, their charm is well worth the supplying of their particular needs and the studying of their habits.

The plants are pseudobulb-less, the leaves distichous (dis-tik-ous), or disposed in two parallel lines along the heavy, erect stem.
The tendency of the stem is to grow up toward the sun, as the surprised amateur finds when his plant reaches the roof and has no more room to grow. The lower leaves frequently drop off.
Thick aerial roots form along the stem and, when smooth, green-tipped, and fat, indicate that the plant is progressing. When they become shriveled and ringed, something is drastically wrong with their culture and vanda orchid care”

I think I’ve had this pot of Vanda for more than 2 years now, can’t really remember where do I get it in the first place.
“This type of plant is a slow grower and needs to be very large before flowering, so that any kind of propagation is a slow and tedious process at best.”
When it comes to vanda orchid care, they are considered sun worshipper. Among the sun-worshipers are the Vandas, natives of India, the Philippines, and some Pacific islands.
They will not thrive without adequate sun, and they must have corresponding amounts of heat and water. Care must be exercised to keep water from remaining in the growing crown.”

As of today, I am still able to enjoy the dark purple flowers. Not sure how long the flowers will last, but from what I read, some says it could last for a month or so.
I would like to know more about this vanda( Latin name if any ).
Thank you.
I am doing a project and I need to know the latin name is also so if you knew that would be great!