East Indian Rosebay – Bunga Susun Kelapa

When I bought this flowering plant at Floria many years ago, the seller told me that the Malay name is bunga susun kelapa. That time my main intention is to have as many scented tropical plants in my garden like kesidang, kemuning and bunga cina.

Over the years, the plant has been growing well, budding a lot but failed to bloom.

Recently after I have moved it to a different spot in my limited yard, I noticed the buds start to bloom.

The scientific name for bunga susun kelapa is Ervatamia coronaria. It is known as East Indian Rosebay, one of Indian herbs. Check more info here: East Indian Bay, Indian Herbs.

I think I will try to propagate it by cuttings soon just in case it decides to die on me like my gardenia plant.

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