Month: November 2007


After much searching I couldn’t find the scientific name for this plant. I only know it as Sepuleh (sepulih?) as that’s what my MIL told me when she gave me the bulb. I have this Sepuleh plant for more than 3 years now and recently the flowers came out...

Pegaga – Centella asiatica

I grow this bunch of pegaga plants in a pot since 3 years ago. I am not sure what type of pegaga it is because I’m very sure this is not the one that you make kerabu or eat as ulam. The pegaga I grow have thicker leaves and...

Kemuning- Murraya paniculata

I’ve been meaning to ask the readers of LamanHati about the name of this flowering plant since September..huhu! But due to my hectic schedule, I keep on neglecting to update this blog until last week when I bought Laman Impiana Nov/Dec07 edition and found the name of this plant....