Kunyit – Turmeric
This is what happen when you bought too much fresh turmeric for cooking. In the end all the fresh rhizomes start to grow on their own and I have no choice but to plant them in pots. At the moment I have like 3 pots of turmeric plants.

This time I think my turmeric leaves are all save from being eaten by grasshoppers like last time. But it seems after few weeks there is some pest problem on the leaves side. Maybe lack of water spraying and the unstable climate of hot, dry and wet leads to such problem.
I have moved the plants to some place that accessible to rain so that in case I am too busy to water them, they won’t be in a draught for many days. If all manage to grow well I think I will repot them all into one big pot for easy maintenance.
Wish my kunyit grows vigourously as galanggals as they are more frequenly used. Problem is that i will pick the young shoots which is probably their reason. Yours grow nicely even in small pots.
Not anymore, the leaves all turn yellow because I was so busy and neglected them for the past few weeks. I hope they don’t die on me yet!huhu..
Oh, i remember when i was small, my granma planted pokok kunyit in our front garden, and one day my mom asked me to pick some of the daun kunyit coz she’s making an ikan bakar and i stood outside for a good half an hour trying to figure out wic one is the daun kunyit! :’D Haha! Good ol’ days…
Yeah, sometimes it’s quite to differentiate the leaves..but I guess if you smell it you can tell the difference..hehe..